Remuneration committee

The board has appointed a remuneration committee, whose tasks include preparing the board's decision on proposed guidelines for remuneration to CombinedX senior executives.

In accordance with Nasdaq's recommendations for the First North Premier Growth Market, the CombinedX board has decided to comply with the Companies Code and has therefore established a compensation committee consisting of:

Niklas Flyborg, chairman of the committee (member of the board since 2022)
Jessica Petrini (member of the board since 2018)

If necessary, the company's CFO, Anna Hedström, and CEO, Jörgen Qwist, are co-opted.

The remuneration committee's work

  • The remuneration committee must prepare questions about remuneration for the managing director, the company's management and staff directly subordinate to the CEO.
  • The remuneration committee must prepare and decide on principles for remuneration to senior executives which must be approved by the board and finally approved by the general meeting (the annual general meeting).
  • Decisions on remuneration for the CEO must be made by the board after preparation by the Remuneration Committee.
  • Decisions on remuneration for management and staff directly subordinate to the CEO must be made by the CEO after preparation by the Remuneration Committee.

The committee must draw up an annual work plan for its work and hold at least two meetings per financial year. If a member of the committee requests it, an extra meeting must be held. Meetings can be held physically or digitally.

The committee must regularly report on its work to the board, orally and via distribution of the minutes to be drawn up at each meeting.


At the 2024 annual general meeting, it was decided that the fee to the chairman of the remuneration committee is SEK 51,000 and to the member of the remuneration committee SEK 38,000.


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