The audit committee's main task is to support the board in the work of ensuring the quality of the financial reporting. The committee has partly an advisory function, partly a preparatory function for decision matters before consideration and decisions take place in the company's board.
In accordance with the Swedish code for corporate governance, the board has established a remuneration committee consisting of:
Joakim Alkman, chairman of the committee (member of the board since 2021)
Christian Hellman (member of the board since 2023)
Niklas Hellberg (member of the board since 2013)
CFO, Anna Hedström and CEO, Jörgen Qwist are assistants to meetings together with accountant Niklas Kullberg.
The audit committee's work
- Monitor the company's financial reporting and provide recommendations and suggestions to ensure the reliability of reporting
- Monitor the effectiveness of the company's internal control, internal audit and risk management in terms of financial reporting
- Keep informed about the audit of the annual report and the consolidated report and about the conclusions of the Auditors' Inspection's quality control
- Inform the board about the results of the audit and how the audit contributed to the reliability of the financial reporting and what function the committee has had
- Review and monitor the auditor's impartiality and independence and pay particular attention to whether the auditor provides the company with services other than auditing
- Assist in the preparation of proposals for the annual general meeting's decision on the election of auditors
The committee must draw up an annual work plan for its work and hold at least four meetings per financial year. If a member of the committee requests it, an extra meeting must be held. Meetings can be held physically or digitally.
The committee must regularly report on its work to the board, orally and via distribution of the minutes to be drawn up at each meeting. Minutes from committee meetings are drawn up and distributed by the group's CFO.
At the 2024 annual general meeting, it was decided that the remuneration for the chairman of the remuneration committee is SEK 74,000 and for the member of the remuneration committee SEK 51,000.