Our management team consists of Jörgen Qwist, Boel Sjöstrand, Anna Hedström, Björn Magnusson och Rikard Boström.

CEO & President
Year of birth 1972. CEO & President since 2020.
Experience and education
Former CEO of DGC One AB and venture capital owned IP-Only Enterprice and Candidator DGC (Iver AB). BSc in civil economics, Stockholm School of Economics.
Other significant assignments
Member of the board, Creative Society Production Stockholm AB.
Previous assignments over the last five years
A numerous board assignments connected to the CEO position in DGC One AB, IP-Only Enterprise and Candidator DGC (Iver AB).
Shareholding in CombinedX
1 145 429 shares.

Deputy CEO
Year of birth 1978. Deputy CEO since 2023.
Experience and education
Former CEO of Wise Professionals AB, Partner and COO at Netlight Consulting AB, CEO Linkura AB. BSc in civil engineering, KTH, Stockholm.
Other significant assignments
Member of the board, Teqnion AB
Previous assignments over the last five years
Member of the board, VNTRS Consulting AB.
Shareholding in CombinedX
1 400 shares and 0 warrants.

Year of birth 1970. CFO since 2022.
Experience and education
Former CFO of Särnmark Support AB, Director Pricing and Revenue Management Nordics at NETS A/S, CFO of Payzone Nordic AB, CFO of Resurs Bemanning CNC AB and chief of economics at AB Previa. BSc in civil economics, Luleå university of technology.
Other significant assignments
Previous assignments over the last five years
Shareholding in CombinedX
2 750 shares and 10 000 warrants.

Head of administration
Year of birth 1972. Head of administration since 2020.
Experience and education
Co-founder of the subsidiary Netgain AB.
Other significant assignments
Previous assignments over the last five years
A numerous board assignments connected to roles within CombinedX.
Shareholding in CombinedX
363 861 shares directly and 51 798 shares indirectly through Q13 Management AB (Björn Magnusson owns 100 percent of the capital and votes in Q13 Management AB) and 10 000 warrants.

Head of x-sales
Year of birth 1970. Head of X-sales since 2020.
Experience and education
Co-founder and former CEO of the subsidiary Smartsourcing AB (Smartsmiling AB). Certified upper secondary school engineer.
Other significant assignments
Previous assignments over the last five years
A numerous board assignments connected to roles within CombinedX.
Shareholding in CombinedX
605 183 shares directly through Boström Consulting AB (Rikard Boström owns 50 percent of the capital and votes in Boström Consulting AB) and 0 warrants.